A beautiful 15km walk through state forest close to Bunbury. This bushwalk is on old tracks with a 1km cut through on a fairly well defined overgrown path in the second half of the walk. Morning tea may be a little later than usual so please prepare accordingly. If a warm day is forecast, pack extra water. Both sunscreen and mosquito repellent will be needed. Some undulation and some gravel roads - Level 2 graded walk.
There is a slight chance this area may be affected by a controlled burn. If so, the walk will be in the Whicher Range National Park. Similar distance and grade but more gravel and a few more hills.
Meet 8:20am at Charlotte Street Boyanup.
Visitors welcome to walk with club members - $5 walk fee payable on the day.
Contact Roslyn for more details and to confirm your interest - 0408 089 854.