Day Walk will be on this day - details to be updated soon.
Contact walk leader, Wendy on 0416 184 875 for further information closer to the date.

Adventurous on/off track walk in the Preston National Park.
Contact walk leader, Lloyd on 0439 914 766 for further information closer to the date.

Day Walk will be on this day - details to be updated soon.
Contact walk leader, Claire on 0419 941 3030 for further information closer to the date.

Day Walk on the Wellington Spur - Bibbulmun Track to Wellington Dam area
Contact walk leaders, Jody on 0419 048 246 or Roslyn on 0408 089 854 for further information closer to the date.

mumbelup walk
Enjoy a great day out in the Mumbelup area with lunch at the Mumbelup Tavern.
Contact walk leader, Diane on 0436 365 396 for further information closer to the date.

Arklow Forest - Collie
Day walk in the Arklow Forest near Collie. Will be heading north towards Harris River Dam.
Contact walk leader, Noel on 0438 456 335 for further information closer to the date.

Bibbulmun Track
Walk on the Bibbulmun Track - Location TBC (details of this walk have not been finalised)
Contact walk leader, Glenesse on 0422 492 881 for further information closer to the date.

Gracetown - Cape To Cape
Walk on the Cape to Cape - Camping at Gracetown. Day walk on the Sunday

Fancy a walk on a Wednesday, you are most welcome to join us. Walk location TBC but most probably be on the Collie River.
Contact the walk leader, Wendy for more information on 0416 184 875.

Greens island, MANJIMUP CAR CAMP
Weekend Car Camp (Members only)
Day Walk on the Saturday 1st May. Contact Glenys on 0437 250 418 for further information on the day walk.

Walk on the Bibbulmun Track from Glen Mervyn Dam to the Yabberup campsite.
Medium walk, 11 kms in length.
Departure from Bunbury is 8:00am.
Contact Walk Leader Joscelyn for more information and to register for the walk - 0448 899 295.
Ferguson Valley
Walk from Wellington Dam to Honeymoon Pool.
Departure from Bunbury is 8:00am.
Contact Walk Leader Tony for more information and to register for the walk - 0488 126 692.

Cape naturalist walk trail
Walk along the Cape Naturalist Walk Trail Network in the area of the lighthouse ending with lunch and a swim at Shelly Beach. This circular walk is approximatley 8km and will be led by Sylvia and Rob Mutch.
Meeting point is Shelly Beach (at the end of Bunker Bay Road) at 9:00am. Register your interest with the walk leaders on 0439 203 860.
Visitors to the club are welcome to come along - $5 visitor fee payable on the day.

Argyle Forrest
A beautiful 15km walk through state forest close to Bunbury. This bushwalk is on old tracks with a 1km cut through on a fairly well defined overgrown path in the second half of the walk. Morning tea may be a little later than usual so please prepare accordingly. If a warm day is forecast, pack extra water. Both sunscreen and mosquito repellent will be needed. Some undulation and some gravel roads - Level 2 graded walk.
There is a slight chance this area may be affected by a controlled burn. If so, the walk will be in the Whicher Range National Park. Similar distance and grade but more gravel and a few more hills.
Meet 8:20am at Charlotte Street Boyanup.
Visitors welcome to walk with club members - $5 walk fee payable on the day.
Contact Roslyn for more details and to confirm your interest - 0408 089 854.

jarrahwood-cambray trail
A return walk of approximately 15kms from Jarrahwood to Cambray mostly following the Munda Biddi trail and the old railway line. The walk is mainly along flat ground but does include a 5km undulating section with a couple of hills. Some surfaces are gravel and in some sections we will be walking over the old railway sleepers - these sections may be slippery.
Register with Wendy (0416 184 875) for more information on the time to meet and where.

boyanup Forest loop walk
Something a little different on offer - a short mid week!
Arrive at Argyle approximately 9:00am for a 9:30am start. Loop walk through the Boyanup Forest is approximately 7km.
Contact Howard on 0419 196 035 for more information and to register.

Balingup - Grimwade Walk Trail
18km return walk along the Bibbulmun Track, departing the delightful town of Balingup.
Meet at the Balingup Transit Park, corner of Walter Street and Brooke Street opposite the Balingup Oval. Please arrive by 8:45am, for a 9:30am departure.
We will be walking 9km along the trail, stopping for morning tea and lunch (BYO). Lunch will be on the northern side of Grimwade Road.
The walk takes us through a variety of landscapes and terrain (bush, river crossings, forest, plantations, farmland), something for everyone. The majority of the walk is along gently undulating terrain, with one challenging feature know locally as “Heartbreak Hill”. Poles will most likely be beneficial for this section. There are stunning views during the climb, so we can pause as needed to soak up the views. Wildflowers will hopefully be plentiful.
Two options for the return hike. Either back along the Bibbulmun for 9km, or walking along Grimwade Road (sealed bitumen road) for the 4km return to Balingup Oval. There will be a walk leader for each group should the alternate route be required.
Walk length: 18km
Reasonable level of fitness required
Drive: 67km from Bunbury along the South West Hwy to Balingup.
Once in Balingup turn left onto Jayes Road and then left onto Walter Street and you will see the oval and the transit park on your left.
Please contact Claire on 0419 941 303 for more information and to register. Please register by 17/09/2020.

thomson brook jarrah forest
This area of the jarrah forest is an interesting walk requiring a reasonable level of fitness. Graded level 2 - 3. Some reasonable climbs and descents, sticks recommended. Approximately 10km driving on gravel to reach location once off the main road. Some erosion and pot holes - 2WD vehicles with good clearance sufficient to get through.
Start and finish at Grimwade Hut. Walk will be about 2½ hours north with a lunch stop then return to the hut for afternoon tea.
Departure from Bunbury is 8:00am and car-pooling is not currently recommended. Social distancing should be observed whilst walking. Be prepared for all weather eventualities and don’t forget your water, snacks, lunch and afternoon tea.
Contact Walk Leader Roslyn for more information and to register for the walk - 0408 089 854.